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40th Anniversary

The 40th Anniversary photos have been uploaded to NMAS flickr account, If you would like any full size (5184x3456 10meg) photos of these please send an email to

Also if you have any photo's from either Saturday night or Sunday please email them to the same above email address

Sunday Fun Fly Competition

During the fun fly on Sunday a competition was held for pilots that wished to participate.

  1. Spot Landing - 30 sec motor run time, kill motor, glide to land and stop as close to spot on the runway
  2. Climb & Glide - 30 sec motor run to get high as possible, kill motor, glide (stay in the air) the longest
  3. Best Pilot + most flights + points from above
  4. Best Junior Pilot - most flights + points from above

The winner of these events were

  • Spot Landing - Craig Hewitt
  • Climb & Glide (Acro) - Craig Hewitt
  • Climb & Glide (Glider) - Greg Badger
  • Best pilot of the day - Craig Hewitt
  • Best Junior pilot of the day - James Wood


Coming Events

Social Meeting
Held first Monday of each month 7.30pm (not Jan) at the NMAS Club Rooms or other location(s) TBA.

Indoor Flying
Indoor Flying

2nd Tuesday
of each Month

Aldinga Rec Centre

2 McRae St, Aldinga Beach
7pm till 9pm

Noarlunga Model Aero Sports Inc.
Flying field and club rooms.
Clisby Lane off Railway Road, Seaford Meadows.
Meetings held first Monday of each month, 7.30pm (not Jan)
at the NMAS Club Rooms or other location(s) TBA
Postal:  PO Box 231, Port Noarlunga, SA. 5167