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Safety Slogan
Membership Form

MAAA = Model Aeronautical Association of Australia
MASA = Model Aerosport SA
NMAS = Noarlunga Model Aero Sports

Fees shown below apply January 1st 2025 – June 30th 2025.
For new members only!

Senior Junior
MAAA $47.50 $25.00
MASA $11.00 $5.00
NMAS  $122.00 $61.00
Total: $180.50 $91.00

1 Senior member and 1 Junior member:
10% discount on NMAS Club fee plus full MAAA and MASA fee
for each member.

 1 Senior member and 2 or more Junior members:
20% discount on NMAS Club fee plus full MAAA and MASA fee
for each member.

2 Junior members:
10% discount on NMAS Club fee plus full MAAA and MASA fee
for each member.

3 or more Junior members:
20% discount on NMAS Club fee plus full MAAA and MASA fee
for each member.
Discounts not to be retrospective

Half Year Associate Membership $122.00

NMAS Social Membership (non-flying) is also available, $NIL

Indoor Flying
Fees shown below apply January 1st 2025 – June 30th 2025.
For new members only!

Only payable if not all ready a member of NMAS,

Senior Junior
MAAA $47.50 $25.00
MASA $11.00 $5.00
NMAS  $10.00 $10.00
Total: $68.50 $40.00

Indoor Associate Membership $10

Basic Rules for Flying

Basic Flying Rules for all pilots:

  1. Try to stay in the middle of the air.
  2. Do not go near the edges of it.
  3. The edges of the air can be recognised by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there.

Control Tower to Pilot

PQ872: 'Tower, give me a rough time-check.'
Tower: 'It's Thursday, sir.'

Pilot: '...Tower, please call me a fuel truck.'
Tower: 'Roger. You are a fuel truck.'

Pilot: 'Ground, LH-line 201, requesting start-up."
Tower: 'Sorry, LH-line 201, we don't have your flight plan. What is your destination?'

Pilot: 'To Edinburgh, like every Wednesday.'
Tower: 'But today is Thursday!'
Pilot: 'WHAT? But Thursday's our day off.'

Tower: 'You have traffic at 10 o'clock, 6 miles.'
Pilot: 'Give us another hint, we have digital watches.'

Ground Control: '476WB, bear to the left, disabled aircraft on the right.'
Pilot: '476WB, Roger, I have the disabled aircraft in sight, but I don't see the bear yet.'

Coming Events

Social Meeting
Held first Monday of each month 7.30pm (not Jan) at the NMAS Club Rooms or other location(s) TBA.

Indoor Flying
Indoor Flying

2nd Tuesday
of each Month

Aldinga Rec Centre

2 McRae St, Aldinga Beach
7pm till 9pm

Noarlunga Model Aero Sports Inc.
Flying field and club rooms.
Clisby Lane off Railway Road, Seaford Meadows.
Meetings held first Monday of each month, 7.30pm (not Jan)
at the NMAS Club Rooms or other location(s) TBA
Postal:  PO Box 231, Port Noarlunga, SA. 5167